Sunday 14 April 2013

The Story with as of yet No Name.

Some say that the worst thing about life is never filling you goals, for others its oppression and injustice...but these are all man-made problems. To me, the worst thing about life is how easy it makes it look for other people. Life is never easy or simple but it loves to make it appear that it is. Life is quick, schizophrenic and a narcissist.

We are creatures that exist through time and can only experience it one way, straight forward and in parallel with others, like a race track. Therefore it is easy for us to forget that getting to the end of life is not the goal. There is no need to rush. There are moments in life when you've got to suddenly stop, or life stops suddenly, and it's as if all the things that passed you by, caught in your slipstream, suddenly catch up all at once. It's in these moments that life starts to make sense. Life lessons are learned, new sights are discovered and love – proper and real love, the light and bubbly stuff – you find that too, even if it's in a single object like a cloud or crack in a wall or a sudden feeling of companionship with those around you. And comparing yourself to others – that's another thing entirely, another trick of the mind to make us compete for a dominance that ultimately means nothing. Power will not save you. It is assured that death will come to us all.

This is a story about all these things, and more, or not...

...and on top over everything else he just couldn't figure out how much amperes were due across the unit regardless of the ohmes of the resistor unit. There must have been some thing he was doing wrong. 'Perhaps I should stop doodling fish?'

"You have five minutes remaining." A rather bored man at the front of the room announced from over the top of his high raised desk overlooking the entire hall.

'Oh shit. Five minutes?! Ok. It's fine. Everything is fine. Take a slow...deep...breath... and relax. Now, look back over your numbers...What the fuck do these even mean? What the hell have I done here!? Where did I get 12.6 from?? OHMYGODTHISISALLGOING - calm. Calm. Caaalm... start over. The voltage is 240. Yes. The unit (lets call it a lamp) takes 8.7A at 45v. Ok, 45v divided by 8.7A equals...5.17 ohmes resistance! Next take 45 volts from the circuit, so 195 remaining. Now... take the remaining 195v and divide it by the 8.7 amperes gives a result of...22.41 ohmes -ish! ...THAT'S IT! THAT'S BLOODY-" And as his hand raced towards the tablet to scrawl in the answer the screen suddenly turned to black.

"Exam is over!" The man at the front of the room announced with a sudden burst of energy. "I realize all your brains must have the consistency of vegetable soup right now but if you could have the patience to walk out row at a time then we can all escape this misery-box quickly an safely." He points to the first row of people up against the left-hand wall. "You lot. Get out."

Row by row the class was dismissed. “...and you. Out.” “Out.” “Out.” “Get lost.” “I'll see you when the results come back in...”

Vincent Black however remained put. His pen still pressed against the non-functional screen.

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